Kanakol: Pre-order food before going to the restaurant

Hamza Laalj, ex-software senior developer with a business driven mind. A multi-innovation award winner from the UAE’s private and public entities.
The idea came, when I was going to the restaurant in the launch break nearby the company I was working on as a software developer. Initially, I found that I need to wait 10 to 15min (sometimes even more) for the food to be ready. I asked myself, why do I need to wait that much? What if I can pre-order the food from the restaurant using an app before coming to the restaurant so I’ll not wait anymore?

Your products and services 

Kanakol, a smartphone app that lets its users to pre-order the food before going to the restaurant, the users can set the exact time when they’ll be present in the restaurant, then go in the specified time to avoid waiting food to be prepared. On the other hand, it gives to the restaurant the chance to forecast upcoming orders and make the components ready.

Your success factors 

The product.
Solid growth strategy.

Your factors differentiating and disruptive compared to the existing 

 Yes they are, we are giving to users not only to book an empty table in a restaurant, but the possibility to pre-order the food that will be over the table.

Your business model (how do you make money?)

Transaction fees.
Sponsored Ads.

A few words about your competitors

Most of them they do door-to-door food delivery, we believe that we are giving a different value to our customers.
Each product has its own strengths and weaknesses, we believe that we are working hard to give a very good experience to our users.

Your website 


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