AbahJOE Oil & Gas: make available quality petroleum products

At Abahjoe Oil & Gas station, we are passionate in the pursuit of excellence and financial success with uncompromising services and integrity. We are in the industry to make a positive mark and to add value to the lives of all who use our products. We are quite optimistic that our values and quality of products and service offering will help us drive our Oil & Gas Station business to enviable heights and also help us attract the numbers of clients that will make the business highly profitable. We are a company that is dedicated to establishing and maintaining the best practices as it relates to the Oil & Gas Station industry.

Your products and services

Our basic services and products to our highly esteemed customers as a standard Oil & Gas Station includes retailing of petrol, diesel and lubricants for motor vehicles. We endeavor to give our customers nothing short of the very best. We also run a convenience store, car wash, vulcanizing services, wheel balancing services, wheel alignment services and other related automobile repair services.

Your success factors 

Abahjoe Oil & Gas Station is owned and managed by Joseph Abah. Joseph Abah has a B.Sc. in Physics and Astronomy from University of Nigeria, Nsukka and has over 4 years of experience in project management. He previously worked with the Employer Brand team of Unilever Nigeria and with other organizations like Purple Naija and Milky Way Youth Movement with headquarters in Pakistan. Joseph has benefited from business development and management trainings from VSL Consulting, African Management Initiative and Young African Leadership Initiative (Yali).

Bonjouridee Team
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  1. this is a great venture and I trust the young man involved. He will sure see success because he is motivated by great determination.

  2. I trust Abah Joe’s management abilities… I strongly believe that he will go far in business and other aspects of life

  3. AbahJoe oil&gas, the best among many. The high quality of this firm’s services can be attested to by all who have patronized them