NYONG Clement Bantar is passionate about Quality, Health, Safety and Environment (QHSE). He is the man who wants to “Make the Business World for SMEs Healthy, Safe and Eco-Friendly”. He is the Founder and CEO of Cameroon Safety Services (CSS), a Cameroon base social and consulting Firm whose mission is to contribute in building a Healthy, Safe and Green culture in Cameroon and African mentality.
He is holder of Bachelor degree in Geosciences and has worked for five years in the Oil and Gas Industry both in African and European countries. He is a Certified HSE for Youth Trainer, member of HSE Europe group, Certified SERVANT LEADER , Honorary awards Leadership in the category of ENVIRONMENT and SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT issued by Go Ahead Africa Ltd , member of the Young African Leader Initiative (YALI) network, Business and Entrepreneurship leader and a Tony Elumelu 2017 Entrepreneur, BOCCONI University 6 weeks Business participant, His project was pre-selected among 20 projects out of 550 projects by the Jury of Startup-Afro 2017 Edition.Participant at the Cameroon Leadership Academy (September 2015)… He has received several online courses in Health, Safety and Environment, volunteer participant at the National Forum on QHSE,
A news report released On 7 September 2017 by the International Labour Organization after its triennial World Congress held in SINGAPORE on safety and Health at work, indicates that the Global number of work-related fatal injuries and accidents have increased from 2.3 million to 2.78 million per year. And estimated that a Global cost of 2.99 trillion US Dollar was spent on Safety and Health at work-related incident by Employers, highlighting that it is as a result of failure to address Health and Safety concerns with 40% of youths most like to be affected than old people.
The idea to create CSS came about when he observed continuous reports from International and national organizations about cases of increasing work-related accidents, illnesses, deaths, injuries, Floods, Global warming, Climate change, unhygienic and unsafe conditions in Companies, Organizations, Communities, Countries and Continents. Realizing the vast and complexity of practical solutions to overcome this phenomenon, he decided to apply his experience in Health, Safety and Environment acquired in the energy industry to bring sustainable solutions to this area through quality HSE Training and Eco services for a Global well being. The aim is to raise a Global awareness in the subconscious of people and develop an eco-friendly lifestyle especially for very small and medium-size enterprises VSE/SME to accompany them comply with international norms such as the ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 etc at very low cost and enable them stay competitive in the Market.
On 28 July 2016 CSS was legally created and the idea is to provide HSE Education, HSE workshops, HSE Social Events and Eco services in Companies, Organizations, Government, Schools, Orphanages, Communities. Donation and monitoring program of HSE working tools to organizations where necessary will provide solutions to this area. The project is already being implemented in Douala and will progressively cover the entire Cameroon and Africa through collaborations and partnerships arrangements.
Link to online video
Your products and services
ETS Cameroon Safety Services (ETS CSS) is a social and consulting Enterprise that provides sustainable QHSE solutions to promote community wellbeing and prevent work-related accidents, Environmental pollution for Businesses and Organizations. ETS CSS utilizes its expertise in the areas of Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) to provide international standard and cost-effective solutions to very small and medium size Enterprises within Cameroon and Africa in the near future. CSS provides a multitude of services to Small and Medium-size Enterprises which include:
- International standard Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE) Training.
- HSE Consulting; (example Environmental assessment and risk control), accompany VSE/SME achieve and comply with international standards such as ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 etc.
- Eco services (Eco cleaning, Greenspace creation and management, selling plants and Flowers), Organize HSE workshops and Events and sell of HSE equipment and working tools, Corporate Social Responsibility.
- HSE Cooperate Social Responsibility.
- HSE Social Workshop
Your success factors
Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) if well practised in projects and Companies will boost productivity, reduce indirect cost and work-related dead usually cause as result poor QHSE implementation by both employee and employer. HSE is meant to be applied in all types of businesses and organizations but little has been done in this area especially in Cameroon and Africa. HSE is a good tool for Corporate Social Responsibility and many Businesses will need it to harmonize their business with the environment where they operate.
Our leadership skills and expertise in HSE, Business Management, Entrepreneurship, project management and Social activities will make Cameroon and Africa Healthy, Safe and Green through CSS’s different HSE Services.Both the Government and the international organisations are putting pressure on Companies to implement HSE Standards in their businesses.We are focus on very Small and Medium-size enterprises with less than 250 employees.
Your factors differentiating and disruptive compared to the existing
We are focus on very Small and Medium-size enterprises with less than 250 employees in other to assist them stay productive and competitive using QHSE Standards at low cost.We want HSE to be a culture, that is why CSS will operate as a Business and at the same time as a Social Enterprise so that funds generated and donations can be used to organize and provide free HSE training and workshops on Climate Change, Road Safety, Malaria, HIV/AIDS, Injury prevention, First Aids, Fire prevention etc. in Schools, NGOs, Associations, Communities. We equally aim to donate sanitary materials, Malaria medications, mosquito treated nets, Plants and Flowers… to these organizations.
Your business model
CSS propose a B-B and B-G business model to provide the best quality and international standard HSE Services adapted to local Business and Organizations. We are getting visibility through local press media, social media. We make money through HSE Training, HSE Consulting (e.g Environmental Risk assessment and control, CSR) and Eco services such as Eco cleaning and Greenspace management). We intend to increase our revenue by creating a large green space where plants and flower of different species will be planted for sale. CSS intend in the future to own a modern HSE Training facility, Shops for HSE equipment and Eco cleaning tools to supply Companies, that will generate additional profits. As a Social Enterprise, CSS will get additional funds and materials donation from Organizations, Company and sympathizing individuals in other to carry out its social activities.
A few words about your competitors
When fighting to solve a Global problem like Health, Safety and Environment, CSS believes there is actually no Competitor. However, there are few Companies in the area of HSE in Cameroon and their training are very costly causing companies to refrain from training employees in this area and this leads to reoccurring work accidents, illnesses and Environmental destruction. We propose cost-effective training yet profitable to us. Many Urban gardeners lack the marketing skills for their green business, so we are bringing in a portfolio that will serve every business, Organization, community and Government thereby making Africa and the World Green Again.
Your website
Safety of humans and the environment has been my dream.
That’s true Mr. Derick and it should be a concern for every body,but because many people have little knowledge on how to go about,that’s why CSS has taken this initiative to sensitize people on the subject.The world is sick!
Belle initiative a encourager dans un contexte mondial où les enjeux de protection de l’environnement sont cruciaux et vitaux.
Bonne continuation
Merci Clément et on constate les conséquences sur le Change Climatique qui affecte le monde que ce soit les Agriculteurs du monde entier.Ils est temp de apporter les solutions pratique et durable pour Préserver notre Environment.
Le monde a besoin des idées comme celle-ci pour se développer. Et le Cameroun a besoin des gens comme toi pour émerger. Car l’émergence passera aussi par la protection de l’environement, des personnes et des biens
Merci pour Les encouragement
Le monde a besoin des idées comme celle-ci pour se développer. Et le Cameroun a besoin des gens comme toi pour émerger. Car l’émergence passera aussi par la protection de l’environement, des personnes et des biens.
Très belle initiative et belle approche sur le marché et la société camerounaise. Bon vent!
Notre planète est en péril. Ainsi, chacun doit y mettre du sien pour la préservation de l’environnement et de la planète toute entière. L’accomplissement de cet mission commence par une prise de conscience des risques et dangers que les employés sont exposés dans leur travail. De ce fait, les objectifs de CSS entrent en droite ligne avec toutes ces préoccupations notamment l’élimination des risques et dangers au travail tout en contribuant à la protection de l’environnement.
Merci Mr NDJOCk.
Know safety no pain, no safety know pain.
Very True.
a l’heur ou les principaux débats et conférences tournent autour des thèmes telques la protection de l’environnement, la lutte contre le réchauffement climatique et la sécurité des biens et des personnes, CSS arrive a point nommé et représente un véritable levier pour l’éveil des consciences et une prise en compte réelle de la question environnementale. initiative louable.
Merci Pour la compréhension.
really is very compatible subject which its cover most issues related African countries , and will be very good helpful to distribute this topic through social media to give more attentions and explanations around world wide .
Mr Clement I now him, we had worked together in same company and trained with same class, he is politely man, proactive when he is doing critical job, humour man which helpful to send his massage with more easily and friendly to around his social community and he can be found and adobe with under pressure environment job.
Thanks Mr Ez Metani.The subject of Health,Safety and Environment is a global issue but Governments and Business in Developed countries understood the importance and took necessary decisions and means to make HSE a culture. African Government and International orgarnization (ILO,WHO etc) have put legislation to promote HSE but many local Businesses and organizations have difficulties implementing them. CSS lunch the project “Making the World Healthy,Safe and Green again” to start with Cameroonian Businesses,Schools,NGO,Government etc and plans to cover Africa.Good implementation of HSE and our Eco services will positively impact Climate Change,illness,protect life’s and the environment and provide Eco friendly environment for argriculture of all forms thus food,well being for the next generation to come.
Going global CSS will be a platform to collaborate and partner with micro HSE project initiatives from other countries.
Many thanks for you comment
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Clement is a very serious Cameroonian who’s working hard to make Cameroon and the world a more conducive living environment
Thank you sir
CSS apporte une reponse efficace aux problematiques de notre temps.
Merci pour votre constat
Good health can only come from a clean environment.
MR Clement, its a good idea.
Thank you Sir
Good health and safety are the fundamental elements for a successful business world
Thank you Sir,That is the business concept of our Services.A business that is known to record work related illness, accidents,death and its negligence to the environment will leads to poor social work environment among employees,low productivity,company loss reputation thus its Partners and most importantly Clients.The business will receive sanctions from national and international organizations and a loss of revenue in settling people and environmental impact.Through our international quality services adapted to local environment in this area.CSS have a team of very young,dynamic and experience HSE consultants with leadership skills in Health,Safety and Environment to help companies prevent such incident and protect their employees,Properties and the Environment.
Very brilliane intiative from the organisers
I look forward how we can inspire young people with whom i work in my community. Big up Clement.
Bonne initiative
Clement is a man of great impact and ready to stand for innovation. This initiative is one among a thousand directed towards building a better Africa.
Bon travail Clément
Clement confirms that Youth in Africa is a source of entrepreneurship and innovation. And his startup is a great solution for our environment and communities.
I do believe fiat good health is thé success of environnent good care
keep it up
good work got my Prayers
Salut Clément ! Je te souhaite plein succès. Du courage, on croise les doigts.
C’est un projet fort intéressant et pertinent d’autant plus que les problèmes liés à l’environnement sont de plus en plus flagrants. Initier un projet dont le but est la protection de l’environnement est vraiment salutaire
Merci Mr Essoh pour avoir compris l’un objectif de ce projet.
Nous Africain avons besoin de jeunes qui pensent que la tendance peut être renversée dans ce monde de haute vitesse ou tous les aspect des activités dégradent la nature. Penser et rêver que nous devons faire quelque chose pour notre continent est la petite victoire Et agir par la suite est la seconde et la grande. Clément ton éveil est que appel pour nous autres d’agir maintenant, de profiter des opportunités tout en pensant à la préservation de la nature. En d’autre mots travailler sur les bases d’un développement durable avec le soutien de css. Thanks you Nyong Clément
Merci Mr Jeff
Thank you Mr. Jeff
One love my friend, keep going. Wishing you well, success in your project.
Let’s make the environment natural again!