Virtual Farm: the first digital farm in Africa

The whole idea started like a play with my friends. We were in an agro conference early this year, discussing the challenge of feeding the worlds teeming population of about 7 billion people and meeting Africa’s 30 billion dollar food challenge, then, I turned to my friends and said sarcastically we can plant online, and Eureka a novel venture started, called virtual farm.

Your products and services 

Virtual farm is the first online digital farm in Africa where users can buy seed online or with SMS codes, sow it online or with SMS codes, nurture it online or with SMS codes and harvest it online or through SMS codes within a month of planting

Your success factors 

1. We have a strong ICT team
2 Experienced hydroponic farm experts
3 Good managerial board
4 A good marketing agent

Your factors differentiating and disruptive compared to the existing 

1. An integrated platform for online planting of seed
2. An integrated technology for monitoring plant progress
3. hydroponic farm system, hence plants are harvested in two weeks or 3weeks after planting.
4. Our model saves up to 55% of direct crop purchase
5. A more inclusive method of planting, hence anyone can plant.
6. Encourage healthy living, as more fresh and organic crops are harvested without the hassle of storage and transportation.
7. A novel concept called SMS planting

Your business model (how do you make money?) 

1 sell of e-seeds
2 premium on fertilizers, nurturing and weeding
3 direct sale of crops to food cafe and families
4 Google Adsense
5 paid advertorial on our site

A few words about your competitors

My competitors majorly use websites to give information about their products or farms, and don’t use it for online farming. Only one competitor uses it for online farming but in his platform you harvest your crops after 7 month, his operation is only in the north of Nigeria, he does not use hydroponic farm system, and his price is too costly, hence detering young people from accessing it. 

Your website

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  1. nice and great work, how did you come up with such a great idea. i really nice your work brother,
    brother from kenya