Ahmed Abbas, the founding person of SunCity Energy used to work as environmental consultant and studies master of sustainable development. He was inspired by the potential of solar energy in serving our current and future needs. Developing solar energy solution for the base of the pyramid is his passion.
Your products and services :
SunCity Energy develops, builds and commercialize Mobile Solar Pumps for small farmers who usually use diesel pumps for irrigating their fields.
Your success factors
Our diverse team possess the expertise, connection and skill to make this innovation succeed and reach the market as a viable product and grow the company. The product efficiently meets a genuine need in the market and saves money and effort to potential users.
Your factors differentiating and disruptive compared to the existing
This pump provides an exceptional performance using a robust design that can be transported easily by toeing it to a car, donkey or horse. The pumps has zero operating cost, almost maintenance free, and has a service life of more than 25 years of clean operation.
Your business model
We make money from manufacturing and selling our pumps in the market through several wholesale and retail stores and organizations.
A few words about your competitors
Diesel pumps are our direct competition, that has been in the market for decades and farmers used to it. However, they are losing momentum due to increasing oil and diesel prices as well as declining prices of solar energy.
To learn more about you