Migo Ranch & Farms is a startup organic farming registered in Kenya. The business is spearheaded by a team of three childhood friend passionate about the need for vegetable consumers to access healthy, tasty and delicious vegetables free of chemical residue as is associated with vegetables produced using synthetic fertilizer and chemical pesticides.
The business partners are trained organic farmers. They have also received quality entrepreneurship training provided by SEED (https;//www.seed.uno) and business capacity building training provided by Bridges for Enterprise (https://bridgesforenterprise.com), a society at the University of Cambridge.
Your products and services
The startup business is out to engage in the production and sale of organic vegetables. The business aims to produce different types of organic vegetables depending on market demand.
Your success factors
The business partners are trained in organic farming and have the necessary experience. They have received entrepreneurship training from SEED (https://www.seed.uno) and business capacity building from Bridges for Enterprise (https://www.bridgesforenterprise.com).
The partners have secured a 3-acre farm using their limited available financial resources. They have trained 30 rural-based peasant farmers and their response has been very positive to the new farming business model.
Your factors differentiating and disruptive compared to the existing
- Inclusion of rural-based peasant farmers in the production of vegetables.
- A disruptive business model that aims to ensure the availability of high-quality vegetables on the market throughout the year.
- Affordable cost to consumers when accessing vegetables.
- Empowerment of rural-based peasant farmers by way of knowledge, skills and increased revenue from the sale of their produce to the business.
Your business model
The business will have three revenue streams;
- Sale of organic vegetables to consumers (institutions, exports and to the public through organic farmer markets).
- Sale of organic fertilizer and bio-pesticides to other farmers, businesses and members of the public.
- Consultancy fee.
A few words about your competitors
The Kenyan organic vegetable market is at its growth stage. There are a few farmers who engage in organic farming of vegetables at individual level. The business does not foresee serious competition on the market.
Your website