Jooxter, leading Smart Occupancy solution

Company description

Jooxter, leading Smart Occupancy solution, supports businesses by making an occupancy dashboard available to optimize square meters, giving autonomy to collaborators and introducing new ways of working into blue chips companies’ management styles. It is a 20% space saving guarantee.

With a user-oriented web & mobile application and an IoT environment, Jooxter can be plugged into any type of building. Introducing its new JODI (Jooxter Occupancy Data Analytics) interoperable platform, our services can seamlessly collect and handle data from external sensors and third-party applications (Chatbots, Parking spaces, FM solutions, Lighting).



Vinci, Deloitte, Crédit Agricole, Adeo, L’Oréal, Veolia, Eaton, GRDF, Sodexo, Lyreco, BNP Paribas, Ericsson, Euratechnologies, Banque Postale, …



Globally, over 50% of companies square meters are not efficiently used. Those spaces are accounted as the second highest expense in a company’ balance sheet.

Collaborators are increasingly mobile and linked-up (flex office, remote working,…). This trend is likely to be confirmed, and for good reason, 94% of millennials do not perceive themselves as in-house workers. According to a Gartner study, by 2020, 40% of companies will totally adopt the flex desk method to meet the new standard of a working strategy.



Fabien Girerd, CEO of Jooxter, is an engineer who started his career in Paris, 25 years ago as a management consultant. He then joined the large corporation by running international SAP implementation projects and teams in major international companies such as Warner Lambert, GSK, Holcim, and Johnson Controls, where he held a c-level position as a EMEA Workplace director. While his work at Johnson Controls, Fabien noticed that the need to create a solution focus on Smart occupancy based on his experience helping global organisation improving their workplace usage.

We are now mentored by 3 strategic seniors advisors:

  • Nigel Clarke, ex VP & GM EMEA Asure Software – « Sales Advisor »
  • Fréderic Krebs, ex PDG Allociné – « Marketing Advisor »
  • Martin Ryssen, CEO at Talentoday – « Strategy Advisor »


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