The majority of Ethiopian small holder farmers interact with multiple agro service providers for different goods and services. This often leads to time consuming and costly variations in quality, price fluctuations, long delivery times, broken promises and commitments, and unethical dealings and business practices. Green Agro Solution PLC, established in 2013 with the vision of providing inclusive service to small holder farmers, is currently promoting a One Stop Farming Solution center where small holder farmers can access mechanization services, farm inputs, farm credit service, and financial literacy in one center. This center is the first of its kind in the country.
Your products and services:
Since 2013, with a team of 16 passionate young people, GAS served more than 14,855 small holder farmers and helped them to harvest a better yield through providing efficient farming service.
Your success factors
We love what we do and all the team members are passionate about innovative agriculture – that’s where our success factor.
Your business model (how do you make money?);
We charge a fair fee when service and inputs are offered to small holder farmers and commercial farmers. Collaborating with MFI’s young and women farmers pay 40% upfront when they use mechanization service and farm inputs. Then the remaining 60% will be paid up on harvesting which resulted more youth and women to engage in agriculture. This innovative approach helped us to build good relationship with our customers and also secure a harvesting market.
Partnering with Arsi University (a local public university), we are creating awareness on financial literacy to improve small holder farmers’ awareness on post harvesting loss, market and basic bookkeeping concepts so that they can make better decision.
A few words about your competitors;
Our competitors are individuals and farmer unions who own mechanization service but they don’t provide such an inclusive service like we do. The one stop farming solution center is making farming easy for small holder farmers and also increased their productivity across time. We look forward to replicate the center in other parts of the country and become a reliable partner for small holder farmers.
To learn more about you (website, twitter, video presentation …)