Wease Messenger : an encrypted instant messaging App available on Windows 10

Wease? It’s a 2017-launched, free-of-charge messaging app working under Windows 10. And, it’s also a community of two million users around the globe.

In this mobile age, apps are bursting with evermore cumbersome functions. Wease goes straight to the point. Our aim? To propose a safe, user-friendly approach to computer messaging:

First of all, you don’t have to register and you can remain anonymous: no need for an email address, a phone number or validation! When you download the app, an account is automatically created and a username generated. Users are free to generate new usernames anytime they wish.

Secondly, encrypted messages ensure user security is sure-fire. These messages are deleted from our servers as soon as the contact receives them. No matter what, we only store them for a week at the most. And, last but not least, messages are sent for a single login, so you keep track of your audience and never lose touch!

Besides being user-friendly, Wease stands out as an ever-so light, high-performing messaging app. On a personal level, it’s particularly suitable for gamers (the number of frames per second doesn’t change!) and for users with run-of-the-mill computers. On a professional level, enhanced security and tracking add value to confidential exchanges.

As for its features, Wease invites you to send files and images. A video chat is also on the way!

We strive to keep a close track on user habits and also to take their feedback into account to enhance the browsing experience. We intend to further enrich Wease to meet messaging users’ new needs

Bonjouridee Team
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