UpCycly : get personalized and “green” furnitures for your business

The story behind UpCycly is that of a founder who decided to change his life from one day to the next, and to make sense of it. Wassim Chelfi arrived in France as a 19-year-old foreigner student, then worked as a computer scientist for 6 years. Walking on the streets of Paris every day and noticing the overabundant waste, most of which is reusable, the idea of upcycling wood waste to create design and DIY furniture came to his mind, as a simple distraction at the beginning, but then as a real project of promoting biodiversity. That is how he left his job and created UpCycly in 2014.

Your products and services 

Anything, absolutely anything, can be upcycled. If recycling consists in turning an old object into a new one of equal value, upcycling adds value to it. A trash to treasure concept that UpCycly has made its main activity. We upcycle wooden pallets and turn them into luxurious furniture dedicated to any kind of businesses : restaurants, FabLab, hotels, offices, coworking spaces, etc. 

UpCycly is also the leader of collaborative furniture creation. This concept consists in inviting all clients to participate in their furniture conception. We come with the material and the employees are invited to put their shoulder to the wheel, following our carpenters’ advices.

Before each project, we organize a brainstorming session so that UpCycly team and the clients decide together the type of furniture to create, then we prepare 3D modeling to show them how their future office will look like.

Your success factors 

UpCycly is a start-up committed to sustainable development. Despite a small team, we accompany each of our clients from the decision-making to the execution phase. Our custom-made furnitures are designed to meet with the identity of each company we are creating for.

Your factors differentiating and disruptive compared to the existing 

UpCycly’s activities meet the needs of the society and the planet. Not only do we promote biodiversity, but we also create employment by recruiting only local artisans in our workshop.

With the help of technology, UpCycly offers innovative services. With our 3D modeling, companies are invited to concretely visualize their future workplace. 

Finally, UpCycly helps you to get personalized and original furniture in any office. Wooden pallets can actually bring a real charm to your interior due to their old appearance. And with our tailor-made furniture, we can go from the simplest products to the most atypical ones.

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